Dealflow and M&A

Parham Baikoghli Profile Picture

Exit Planning
Corporate Turnarounds
Roll-Up Partnerships

A seasoned business professional and technologist, Parham brings 20yrs+ of experience in the private tech sector, blending strategic acumen, operational expertise, and regulatory insight. A professional devil's advocate, ready to challenge the status quo and drive innovative solutions, enriched by an MBA and additional education from Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Yale, and MIT.Currently, Parham assists CEOs in transforming their companies with exit planning, corporate turnarounds, and the exploration of roll-up partnership. To go a step further, these pre-vetted exit ready companies are then introduced to M&A firms to explore financial buyers and strategic buyers.Spare time? Bonsai, cycling, running, and filling up his Zettel Kasten with private equity, venture capital, M&A, exit planning and other topics, in no particular order.

The roll-up strategy offers a balanced mix of risk and reward, merging private equity’s stability with venture capital’s growth potential. It's an attractive option for stable, mid-market CEOs seeking to scale efficiently.

"The roll-up route: Rehydrate with a cash/equity Treat, cruise through M&A Street, to finally operate from the IPO seat."



Pre-vetted dealflow, dealflow and more dealflow, reach out to explore opportunities that align with your investment thesis to identify your next series of port-co's.

Mid-market CEOs

Exit planning, corporate turnarounds and the exploration of strategic roll-ups, all to prepare you for the next chapter.


Seeking guidance or contemplating your next big move? Advisory support tailored to your unique challenges and obstacles.


Exit Planning Dominoes

Corporate Turnarounds

Working closely with CEOs to streamline operations, improve financial health, and enhance overall business performance. This service is designed for firms at critical junctures, aiming to equip them for sustainable growth or a profitable exit strategy.

Exit Planning Documents

Exit Planning

Preparing firms for exits through valuation enhancements, management buy-outs (MBOs), succession plans, and sales to strategic or financial buyers. Positioning you for a smooth transition, maximizing returns while also ensuring continuity.

Joining new partnership


Unlock new levels of growth and scale beyond your stable cashflows through strategic partnerships. This service is designed to enhance your company’s operations and market reach, opening doors to previously unattainable opportunities.

Venture Capital 80/20 Power Law & Roll-up Funds

In the rapidly evolving landscape of private equity, roll-up funds emerge as pivotal vehicles driving transformative growth and value creation. As business environments become increasingly competitive, understanding the nuanced dynamics of these funds is not just beneficial—it is essential for any forward-thinking entrepreneur or CEO.Why Roll-Up Funds?
Roll-up funds, which consolidate multiple small companies within the same market niche into a single more competitive entity, offer a unique proposition: they leverage operational synergies and scale to enhance efficiency and market reach.

Solutions for a dynamic business era.

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